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Common Businesses Security Mistakes

Making sure the security of your business premises is a priority for any kind of business. One of the most basic yet essential components of any commercial security system is strong and reliable locks. Many businesses make security mistakes on a daily basis and using cheap locks is just on of many which can leave them vulnerable to break-ins, theft and other security breaches. Let’s explore some of these common lock mistakes and provide simple solutions to help you secure your business effectively.

Using Low Quality Locks

As we mentioned earlier many businesses especially small ones might use low quality locks to save money. This is truly a false economy as low quality cheap locks are often easier to pick which makes your business an easy target for thieves. Investing in high security locks made of high quality materials is very important for long term security. Look for locks that meet ANSI level1 standards that are known for their durability and resistance to tampering.

Poor Maintenance

Over time locks can wear out from different reasons like frequent use and weather conditions. Worn out locks can become less effective and easier to tamper with. Legitimate business will regularly inspect their locks for any signs of damage and replace any locks that either are old or damaged in order to maintain a high level of security.

Neglecting Lock Rekey After Employee Layoffs

When employees leave your company especially if they been fired barbecue of a bad behavior, it is highly recommended to rekey the locks. This prevents former employees from having unauthorized access to your premises and it is the cost effective way to ensure that.

Ignoring the Need For Master Key Systems

A master key system can simplify the way you mange your business access control by allowing one key to open multiple locks. This not only makes it easier for authorized personnel to access different areas but also improve the security by reducing the number of keys in use.

Professional Advice And Proper Lock Installation

Even the best locks can be ineffective if installed incorrectly and a proper installation is crucial for the business security. Hiring a professional locksmith ensures that this matter will be handled in the most professional manner. Many businesses neglect professional security advice but locksmiths can fulfill your security needs to the best of their ability. Their expertise helps avoid common mistakes and customizes a security system to your business ensuring maximum protection.

High Security Measures

Adding deadbolts to doors makes them more secure against break-ins making it harder to force the door open. Deadbolts are mostly used on outside doors but any inside door that needs more protection can also benefit from having one. For businesses with valuable equipment or sensitive documentation standard locks might not be enough. High security locks offer better protection especially if your business has special security needs.

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