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The Benefits Of Rekey Locks

If you’ve just moved into a new house or relocated your business into a new office, I’m sure the question who else has a key to your new property apart of you and the your realtor had passed through your mind. Changing locks can definitely give you the sense of security you’re looking for but there is a quicker and cheaper solution that is offered by professional locksmiths instead which called lock rekey.

What is Lock Rekey Service?

The operation of lock rekey means changing the setup inside a lock so the old keys won’t work anymore. Usually it is being done by a locksmiths as they take the lock apart, taking out the cylinder which contains the pins and tumblers and by changing the pins inside which come in different sizes he creates a specific pattern for a new key to match. If you try to do this yourself without the proper knowledge you might damage the lock and and disable the lock completely ending up with spending more money on a new lock. Once the locksmith adjusts the pins to a new pattern the old keys won’t work anymore and a new key will take its place.

The Benefits

Improved Security

Lock rekey turns old keys irrelevant which is important if you fear that someone unauthorized has a key. If your keys were lost or got stolen lock rekey eliminate the possibility and prevent a thief from using the old keys. For landlords it ensures former tenants can’t access their property after moving out.

Cost Effective

Less expensive than replacing locks and it allows you to keep your existing hardware which can be especially beneficial if they are aesthetically and custom made.


Lock rekey can be done quickly by a professional locksmith which minimize downtime and inconvenience. If you have multiple locks rekeying them to work with just a single key can make your life much easier and reduce the number of keys you need to carry. You can rekey locks as often as you need which is very useful for businesses or rental properties where access control needs might change frequently.

Advantages in Specific Situations

After a Break-in attempt lock rekey restores security making sure that any key that was stolen during the incident are useless. When moving into a new home lock rekey ensures that anyone who had a copy of the old keys can no longer enter your home.

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